Gwydion has slowly, over the last six months, adapted to his new world. Through patience (and a bit of exposure therapy), he has worked hard to recover from his experiences. Brave boy he is.

While still a bit “shut down” in public, when on a beach or in “his” backyard, he’s a nutter. Squeak toys, balls and zoomies. Sofa cuddles and various demands for affection or nourishment, often utilizing his nose at a tool to conduct business!

As part of the socialization process, I started creating items to hand out. These “aspirational rescue dog fridge magnets” have proved popular, so much so we’ve gone through hundreds now. Everybody who expresses interest is offered one. There is method to this madness, a bit of an art and social experiment. The theory was that increased “exposure” would encourage more attention towards him and in this the project has been successful. Every interaction raises his confidence in the world. Being greeted by strangers everywhere he goes has made him more comfortable, especially on the busy streets where he still struggles on occasion.

No regrets. There have been difficult times and one’s social life can suffer when you have a rescue dog who cannot be left alone for long periods. I’ve been lucky enough to have neighbors who are willing to look after him for the occasional concert jaunt. He loves them dearly now.

The photo pictured is recent, his first outdoor concert experience. Where he cozied up to a new friend for a hot minute :-).